Today I finished my Thank-You letter To brent.
Next time I would ask for help.
I found it challenging to share because i nearly forgot how to.
I found it easy to choose who i was going to do first.
I enjoyed writing.
Ocean-Jade C
40 Campion Road
5 November 2020
Dear Brent
I am writing to thank you for helping out with the teachers to make camp fun.
I liked it on the second to last day when we all played that disease game. My favourite activity was the high ropes and the luge. You were super fast! I keeped crashing! I also liked it when we went to Paradise Valley. I loved the wallabies. There was a little joey in the pouch and I managed to pat it. It was very soft. I also liked the possum, it looked super soft and I loved the look of the Kea.
Thank you for your support with camp.
Mā te wā,
Ocean-Jade C