Last week I learned how to make a Diwali pattern, not just learning about patterns about the festival as well. They dress up very fancy and make very very delicious food. How do I know it's because my very nice and caring neighbours made me and my family some food. And also because I red a book about Diwali/Rangoli I started making a pattern on the concrete. You called Rangoli Rangoli. is a pattern then I let my friends help me finish it. Maybe next time I will do a different pattern with different and brighter colours for it to stand out. I found it tricky to think what colours to use and where to put them. I found it easy to colour in the middle.I found it challenging to make one of the patterns. What do you think I should change about my pattern or my blog? Now here is a photo of the Diwali pattern that me and my friends made. I hope you like it!
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Thursday, 18 November 2021
Friday, 5 November 2021
2021 Achievements!
Wednesday, 8 September 2021
My lego maze
Kia ora everyone. Today me and my Mum made a lego maze. We only used a marble and lego bricks. I really enjoyed taking a video and trying to figure out how to make it to the end of the maze. I really enjoyed making stuff with my lego I even made a jail. I hope you like the video of what I made enjoy.
My lego zipline!!
Kia ora everyone!!
Today I made a lego zip line. I was pretty amazed. I used Wolverine into little Lego girls I for got the names of them. I just got my Mum's wool and got my box thingy attached it then I noted the end on a chair. then we tested it out and it worked perfectly. I found easy to build it. And triky to knot the string. Here is a video of the zip line I hope you like it!!!
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
The Amazing race
My Turtle!
Hello everybody!!
Today I have drew a turtle and wrote some facts about turtles. I really enjoyed drawing this. It is making my drawing better. There will be a link to watch the video on how I learnt to draw a turtle. (what I used to make the turtle) I used paper and felts and my brain to know where to draw everything.
My teacher told us to do five facts about turtles but I declined to do that instead I did Eight!! I found it tricky to trace the turtle. and easy to colour it in. Here is a slide of what I drew with the facts and if you can't read the facts is will be in the slides. here is the video link(Video)
Monday, 6 September 2021
My science experiment!
Kai ora everyone,
Today I did some science with pepper dishwashing liquid water and a plate. I had to do this science really quickly because the pepper made me sneeze non-stop. I found it pretty easy to do this task I just had to do it fast. I think you should do this as well all you have to get is dishwashing liquid pepper, plate and use some water here is a video of the science that I did enjoy
Kylahs escape house!
Hello everyone,
Sunday, 5 September 2021
Happy Fathers Day!!
Kia ora everyone and every Father out there,
I hope you are having a good time at home. It is Father's day today so I have a little short song to sing. I hope you have a great Father's day today Ay Ay Ay Ay whoo whoo! Ay Ay Ay Ay Whoo whoo! now let's count up to the basics the number ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 they come in all shapes and sizes doesn't matter how you look you are still....... perrrrct! I hope you like the very short song. Today I have made my dad a card I made a secret message you pull a tab and the message is revealed I have a video at the end on what it does and what it looks like. When i'm able to next see my Dad I am going to make him breakfast while he's still fast asleep like he usually is.. especially now in lockdown I bet he's been sleeping in till 9:00 am.
What I made the message out of was paper and felts. that easy here is a link to watch the video(Link)
Here is the little message I made for my Dad I hope you like it
Friday, 3 September 2021
Saint Francis slides
Kia ora everyone I hope you you are having a nice morning today or afternoon. I have done a slide about Saint Francis, when he was born and over stuff. You had to make a slide all about St Francis and what you know about him. I made a couple slides about him. I chose to do Saint Francis because he's my house colour saint green house Saint Francis. These are my slides I hope you like them
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Pen Pal letter
Today I have been doing a pen pal letter to my BFF Carmyn. I met her when we were around two years old. That's why she is my Bff. When we were younger we had a particular song to dance to it was Gangnam Style and we used to dance around for ages I hope you like what I did for my pen pal/ Bff
an eggcellent experiment!
Maths sheet
Kia ora everybody
Today I have been doing some maths. I got to make a times table chart we put in the numbers and colour it in it has to be in order! you must not forget that!!!! If you want to do it all you have to do is get numbers 1 to ten on the side then you go to 100 and colour them in I will show you a picture of what I did soon. I used almost all of my favourite colour I like black as well but I could not do black so I did yellow instead. I used a times tables book for some of the tables I didn't know so then I used my book to help me out when I needed help.
Wednesday, 1 September 2021
Stop motion animation
Tuesday, 31 August 2021
what are the Paralympics?
Hello everyone
I have been learning about the paralympics. today we had to make a slide with 5 facts about the paralympics here but I decided to do six slides here are my 6 facts about the paralympic I hope you're enjoying this wet cold day. but on a positive note we go back to level three tomorrow. my mum and step mum said I have to start thinking about what takeaway I would like for dinner because in level 3 we are allowed to have drive-thru takeaways. I am excited I think I would like to have burger king!
August Reflection
Kia ora bloggers
I hope your having a nice morning today! Nice and bright I hope it doesn't rain like it did yesterday and make it everything glitch. Today I have been doing an August Reflection. I have done it a couple years ago so I knew what to do so I didn't need to watch the video that we had to watch. I really enjoyed doing this task. Soon I will show you what I did for my August reflection. My favourite thing was August selfie I chose to do it with my dog I wish I did it with my cat but I didn't know where she was. I showed the photo to my stepmum and she laughed. I'm pretty impressed of what I did. I felt pretty happy while doing this.
I found it tricky to come up with something that I did for enviroschools. I found it easy to take a selfie and describe what I did for reading. Maybe next time I will do a new maths goal. Here is the August Reflection I really hope you like it enjoy!!
Monday, 30 August 2021
Roll the dice Maths
Hello Everybody,
Have you ever done maths when you roll the dice 3 times add it up and see what you get. And you have to do what that number says? Today I had to do that. I rolled the dice three times I got five my numbers where one and 2 twos. I had to choose out of three things draw over my hand and in the middle write something you want to achieve today! Second is try have two fruits and three veggies last but not least is spend 5 minutes in a quiet and calm place listening to your heartbeat and breathing. I choose the first one.I will show you the photo of the hand drawing and what I want to achieve soon. I really found it tricky to trace around my hand because my fingers were moving because it tickled. Maybe next time I can try to stay still. And maybe next time I will get a colored piece of paper for more decoration. I added detail to the hand drawing to make it stand out.
Why did I choose to do this?
I chose to do this because I felt like drawing and I didn't get to draw last night. So I decided to do a little drawing this morning but I didn't get to either because I had to join school. So I decided to do this one and I'm very happy that there was a drawing activity on drawing.
Here is the photo of my hand and what I might achieve today but I might not as well we never know. You can stop being patient know so here you are!!! If you can't read it it says try do a walk over
Sunday, 29 August 2021
My smoothie!
Hello everyone
It is such a bad day today. It is cold and rainy. The things that I am doing to make my day good is playing fortnite, smoothies and eating gummy legos and doing a blog post.
What I made for the smoothie.
I used bananas cream blueberries and sadly I forgot the rest but it tasted delicious!!!
After having a sip of it I almost fainted on how yummy it was! I cried because I died on fortnite. I got 34th but that's OK tho better luck next time. I am trying to beat my score on 2nd place. Ok back to about the smoothie.
The smoothie that I made was that good that my frown was now upside down.
I will show you a photo of the smoothie at the end so please be patient...
After a game of fortnite and my smoothie I decided to build some of my Lego lollies it didn't get quite far because it broke or some didn't stick. So I gave up and ate some instead. After feeling quite sick I decided to add some more stuff to my blog. But I had some water to cool me down and to stop feeling sick. It only worked a bit.. But I felt a bit better.
I don't know what else to wright so i'll end it here. Good luck my friend I hope you are safe at home far away from coronavirus.
You can stop being patient now I will show you the photo of my smoothie. Here it is
Saturday, 28 August 2021
My bush walk outside
I hope your having a beautiful day outside today. Today I went on a bush walk with my dog and stepmum.
Thursday, 26 August 2021
Say No To The Plastic
Bonjour Everyone.
I have done a slide about why I think we shouldn't have plastic. I think we should have no plastic because all the animals are dying. And all the numbers on animals are going down. we need the animals to live. otherwise there will be no life at all.
Don't bring plastic to a beach it could fly away and hit an animal and that animal might think in their head ooh yum food. then goes to eat the plastic then gets sick or the plastic could tangle up the animal and they might suffocate and die. But anyway back to plastic. I don't want plastic because soon there might be so much plastic that our food might be made out of plastic but don't get mad at me i'm just guessing. And the trees of forest's could be made out of plastic see throws bottles and jars.
Here is the slide I made son some more reasons I don't want plastic I hope you like it!
My journal.
Hello everyone.
Today I have been working on a journal. On how my day started and how I feel. I did it twice because my other one was very bad and you could hardly really see it. But this one is colourful as a rainbow. I used my mums sharpies to brighten it out.
It was pretty hard for some words that I forgot how to spell but I made in the end. I had to put the date on I decided to do the year as well. And if you want to do it too you can just put in what you like as well in what you did that's what I did I put in what I did and what I like to do.
If you want to see what it turned out like I will show you but before I do comment what I should do next time because I'm not sure. I hope you like it. This is it If you can't read it scroll to the bottom and it will show you
Thursday 26 August 2021.
I started the day by being woken up by Jodi. I got dressed had breakfast then played fortnite. I got 48 99 then 3rd place. Then the alarm went off . I rushed to my computer to go on my zoom for school. Shout out out to... Molly, Layton, Ben H and Theodora. I logged out to do some work but first I hugged my dog then he liked my face. I feel sad because I can't go to my dads house
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
My science experiment fail.
hello everyone!
Today me, my Mum and Cat (Mysti) were doing some science in our backyard. We chose to do it in the shade so it was easy to see.
I really enjoyed doing it because everyone learnt something new. I learnt that baking soda and vinegar can make it like practically explode. And if you put a balloon on top it will blow up. But we didn't have a balloon so we used a glove.
I found it easy to put the glove on top of the coke bottle.
Maybe next time I would get a smaller plastic bottle so it doesn't take forever to go up then stop before the opening of the bottle. and put a bit more baking soda and vinegar in
Here is a video of me, Mum and Mysti (cat) doing the science/experiment
💐My flower creation🌺
Kia ora everyone.
Today me My dog Mum and my stepmum All went on a hunt for sticks and flower/petals. I really enjoyed it.
Tuesday, 24 August 2021
My day outside.😁
Hello everyone!
Today I have been spending the day outside to do some tasks. Some of the tasks were laying on the grass build a hut and tons more I will show you a picture if you want to do it too.
So I decided to lay on the grass. And I had a picnic with my step mum! And my dog Kobi. Since Kobi couldn't have any of the food I went inside and got a dog treat for him.
The sun was blazing warmness on my skin, I heard birds chirping, only four or five cars going past. My dog was being annoying by sitting in my face. There was only a tiny glimpse of wind so I didn't need to go get a jersey or jacket.
For the food we had was two muesli bars, one banana, pretzels, two pears and two mandarins. It was Yummy!!
Here is the photo of me and my dog laying down and the picnic
Maui Fish hook
Monday, 23 August 2021
A dog has....
Hello everyone I hope you are save at home during lockdown. During lockdown I have been on a zoom with my class since we can't go to school. One of the thing is a 5 fact google drawings about dogs.
I have decided to try make the the dog I made look like my dog It was pretty hard to be honest. Anyway.. About dogs! you will see what I did after I explain a bit more about dogs. Dogs used to be sent out into space before humans did. The first dog sent into space was Laika the dog who became the first living creature sent into space,on the 2, November 1957. Dogs was used to be called a mans best friend because dogs used to fit in more with boys. I think dogs are better than cats because dogs don't mind they way you are they listen to you are easy to teach. And cats are the opposite.
Well here is the google drawing I did. I hope you have Great day
Sunday, 22 August 2021
Bee Factual
Hello people today I have been learning about bees this week. We even did science about bees.I have been doing a slide about bees one of them was a bee Factual which is this one and the other one was a sweet business.My favourite thing about doing this was that it was tricky. And it was more challenging when I didn’t know what to do.
The science we did was we got a balloon plastic cup the teacher gave us pollen then we got the pollen put
it on to of the ballongot this fork and we hit it on something hard and then we put it on the cup and then all the pollen
came off but when we did it without the fork it didn't all fall of .
Do you like bees? I do. We need to take care of bees, the bees are declining. I hope you have a buzzing day!
Anyway here's the slide I hope you enjoy!!
Friday, 13 August 2021
Olympic Games
Wednesday, 11 August 2021
Japan facts
Today I have finished the Japan slides, I worked hard on it at home and school.
It took a couple weeks and days. We even did art of Japan go check it out on the blog up ahead.
Anyway this week I have been learning how to find facts and information. I found it tricky to find information and found it super easy for the facts maybe next time I would change the backgrounds and leave it plain white.
So some things that I explained where Japan is food but anyway here are the slide I hope you enjoy. I hope you appreciate it.
Friday, 9 July 2021
My amazing rocket experience
Hello Bloggers,
Today my class and buddy class room three were doing science. I think it will fly into the sky fall down and hit the ground so hard it will explode.
How an Aquapod works:
The science we all did you need a aquapod. Water bottle full half way.
The aquapod is orange with black rubber.
There is this foot pump that you press down and then the water bottle gets bigger then if you want it to launch there is this string. For it to launch you tug the string then BOOM the water flies into the sky and all the water comes out of the water bottle and that makes the water bottle go into the sky.
Here is a photo and a video on what we did!
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
My nose
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Hello everyone, me and my group Levi and Ruby did a slide of what a covenant is. A covenant is like a Sacrament agreement like a treaty. I hope you like the slides that my group made. Enjoy.
Friday, 11 June 2021
Who am I guessing game
Who am I guessing game. Hello everyone today we are going to play a guessing game and you have to try get it right. if you get it right your in for a surprise same if you get it wrong too.Here we go! I hope you in enjoy.
Do oil and water mix?
Hello, everyone.
Today, I finished my oil and water experiment! We were loaring about fossil fuels. I made a slide of what happened when we did the experiment.
I was in a group with Ruby and Arcangela. First we had to think of the name for a group and we had to take a group photo. The name of the group was 'Three Fruit People'.
At the end we found out the oil and water separates, and if you shake it in a container it changes colour. It goes green or yellow but it only goes yellow if you put too much oil in. Anyway, here are the slides.
Wednesday, 9 June 2021
excellent mothers card.
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My mothers day card |
Anzac day postcard
Hello, Everyone today I just finished up my anzac day postcard. For anzac day everyone in my class had to do an anzac day postcard we all had to go on: drive new copy google drawing s search a postcard say how it is going in the war what's it like and at the end ask a question then you have to say who are you writing too so have to think of a name where they live and what road they live on. I recommend you doing this it's actually really fun. This is what my anzac day postcard looks like.
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Abraham and sarah play
Hello Everyone a little while ago I did a roleplay of Abraham and Sarah. If you do not know who Abraham and Sarah is I will like to tell you. so Abraham and Sarah are to old couple who wanted kids, But they are too old to have children oneday god talked to them and said they will have children but they did not believe god here is a photo of my group doing the roleplay hope you like the photo have you ever done a roleplay before tell me in the comment. here is a like to watch the video of the roleplay link Goodbye
Friday, 28 May 2021
My unique bedroom
My unique bedroom
My favorite part of my bedroom is that it is clean and it smells fresh I love it.
My bed is very cool. There's ladder up to my bed there's a tv an a small door under my bed.
you can sometimes see me watching youtube on my tv.
My Mum and Dad say my room is the most clean room that they have ever seen. Wow I thought.
I can smell candy floss and a rose sent.
I think my room is unique since I have a cool couch bed tv in my room I love it!
Friday, 16 April 2021
summer true or false holiday slides
In the past I created a summer holiday true or false play my summer holiday quiz and see if you get them right I found it challenging to write my stories
Holy week wreath
Jelly fish facts
Hello. Today I was learning about sea week. we had to make a slide and do facts of what we know about sea week. This is my slides
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Hot cross Buns!
Hello everyone! On Week 10 Term 1 of school, before Holy Week, our class created Hot cross buns! The over classes created hot cross buns too but I believe our class' idea was even more creative. For our idea we created a giant hot cross bun in which we used a bread maker instead of an oven.
These are the ingredients We started with. Yeast. White sugar. Salt. Wholemeal flour. & flour.
Each of us in the class took turns putting in a portion of the ingredients into the bread maker. After all of that was done we got it out of the bread maker. It smelled delicious! It tasted magnificent!! I want to do that again. I also made a google drawing with some photos. I hope you like it.
Whale art!
Hello. Today I finished my whale art. We had to use dye vivid / sharpie and white paint.
It was pretty hard doing the die and putting it in the right place.
It was kind of easy making the whale shape.
anyways let's get on to telling you about it! So with the dye there was six little containers but we only had five pieces of dye. After The dye you let it dry then once its dry you you paint the whale white then once that's dry yo get the vivid / sharpie and do an eye and the holes for the tip of nose. then your done. This is my one!! Hope you like it
Wednesday, 14 April 2021
My animation of the Horouta Waka
Hello everyone today I made an animation of the Horouta Waka you had to make everything move and do some facts about Poa and Kiwa and overs This is my animation I hope you like it!
<Monday, 22 March 2021
Saint Patrick's day
Thursday, 4 March 2021
Superhero Me
Tuesday, 2 March 2021
The Treaty of Waitangi
Hello. A little while ago we were learning about the Treaty of Waitangi. I finished it today. we had to come up with ten facts that are real but said in your own words here is my ten facts.
Chinese ox
Hello today I was learning about the chinese ox. I did a poster of the ox giving the rat a ride to shore and there are some facts to. This is what I did. I hope you like it!
Monday, 1 March 2021
Kawa of care
Hello. Today i'm telling you what not to do and what to do with your chromebook! here are some stuff to do and not do with your chromebook.